RENEW! Your Body. Your brain. Your life.

Hello, I’m Genell Lemley, an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and wellness geek whose purpose is to help women who wish to take charge of their brain health - this oft-neglected aspect of their wellness. So, if you’re looking to biohack your brain and push the ‘go away’ button on brain fog, senior moments, lack of focus, decreased energy, depression and forgetfulness, and find vitality, pleasure and happiness again, you’re in the right place.

Together, we’ll bring sum' clarity to your confusions about brain health while serving you with sustainable tips and strategies to renew your brain health that’ll kick start your journey to wellness. From the inside out!

Nurturing You to a Healthier Brain

I'm no ‘sage from the stage’. Not a doctor or scientist. Yet, my curiosity within the field of brain health as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach has seen me sift through an ocean of data, studying experts and digesting their thought leadership. And now, as someone who’s amassed extensive subject matter knowledge to know what works, I love passing on tried and true advice to empower woman to transform their brain health and their lives.

So, if you’re looking to skip the OMGs and OH NOs😔 when experiencing ‘senior moments’ and locate the easy button on how to hack cognitive decline, drop me a line!

Working with me means stepping into your phenomenal zone of renewed wellness. I’ll inspire and guide you to make lifestyle changes that’ll tee you up for a clearer, sharper, and healthier brain (and body.)

After helplessly watching my loved ones suffer from dementia,  I have since learned we have the power to do something about it. So I decided to commit to more than wishful thinking. I chose to build a tribe of women to help them renew their standards for what living and feeling their best entails – a community to help raise awareness and take actionable steps towards boosting brain health and function, even as we age. We live our best life by helping you live yours.

Morning affirmations, reading, meditation, French lesson, workout, cuddles with my wonderful husband and my dog and kitty, good toxin-free skincare.

daily rituals

On Facebook & Instagram, on coaching calls, practicing my French, practicing my flute, dining out with friends, enjoying a glass of bold red wine.


Gossip, negative talk, blaming others, hatred, racism, big pharma, environmental toxins, medication as the be-all and end-all for all health-related issues.  


Kindness, honesty, hard work, health & fitness, giving back, women empowerment, functional medicine, organic food, helping others, always learning and trying new things.



MY Guilty pleasure: 


My dream vacation: 

Billions on Showtime

red wine & dark chocolate

African safari



too many podcasts to list

You're never too old to follow your dreams.

The Boys in the Boat


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Where to?

Traveling. All types of vacations  — especially abroad to experience all the different cultures and food. And Paris is one of my favs! Love that city.

Hanging out with my sweetie! Whether it be on vacation, going out to dinner, having a glass of wine. As long as it's together.❤️

Shoes!!! I'm that girl with a closet full of shoes. And my favorite are high heels of any type -- boots, sandals, pumps. Can never have too many shoes.💁‍♀️ Hey, we all have our passions in life. 

My Favorite Things

Modern architecture. I love the clean lines and the minimalist feel. 

my guilty pleasure

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Clothes and fashion. Wearing clothes I love makes me feel more confident. Definitely miss Project Runway - that was a fav of mine.

Reading and learning! I love reading and learning new things. Both of which, by the way, are good for your brain health. I enjoy the challenge of learning and trying something new.


“Yes, you can change your brain at any age.”

so they say:


Your digestive system is a key component of your overall health. Its health affects your brain, immune system and more. In fact, research has found that your gut controls so many functions that it is often referred to now as a second brain! Check out this free guide to find out how you can start restoring your gut health and improving your brain health today!

Ten Strategies to Restore Your Gut Health

Start feeling better today!

It’s time to renew your brain and kick out brain fog, senior moments, forgetfulness, lack of energy, anxiety, loss of focus and concentration.

Sign up for my newsletter to join my email community for the latest info, tips, strategy, inspo, and my favorite finds to push you even further in your journey towards a clearer, sharper and healthier brain.

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